Black Friday to Black Sundae

This Black Friday let Cadwaladers treat you until Black Sundae! Enjoy our offers all weekend from the 29th – 1st November

Arwyr Rhedwyr Hanner Marathon Caerdydd

Partnerodd Cadwaladers â The British Heart Foundation ar gyfer Hanner Marathon Caerdydd 2019 i roi’r cyfle i weithwyr Cadwaladers gymryd rhan. Mae ein tîm anhygoel a wnaeth rhedeg 13.1 milltir yn y digwyddiad gwych nawr wedi cymryd egwyl haeddiannol. Yn ogystal â herio’r hunain i gwblhau’r hanner marathon, maen nhw hefyd wedi £1000 ar gyfer British Heart Foundation!

Cadwaladers North Wales Adventures

Summer may be coming to a close but this doesn’t mean your adventures shouldn’t. September is the perfect time to discover the beauty of North Wales without the bustle of the seasonal crowds.

Criccieth Holiday Apartment now available

You have enjoyed the famous view of Cardigan Bay from our Criccieth store. Now wake up to this mesmerising scene within the comfort of your own personal apartment. We are proud to present our two bedroom, dog-friendly apartment available to rent immediately.

Summer Days out at Cadwaladers

Discover exciting days out near our Cadwaladers stores. North to South Wales and a little slice of England. From adventure and action to Shopping and relaxing. There is something for everyone when you choose to visit a Cadwaladers store. CricciethWalk along the glorious coast along the stone beach and up the famous Castle street hill