Cardiff Half Running Heroes

Cardiff Half Marathon 2019 is well and truly over for this year. Our amazing team who ran 13.1 miles for the British Heart Foundation at this fantastic event have taken a well-earned rest. As well as challenging themselves to complete the half marathon, they also raised a whopping £700 for this wonderful charity!

Arwyr Rhedwyr Hanner Marathon Caerdydd

Partnerodd Cadwaladers â The British Heart Foundation ar gyfer Hanner Marathon Caerdydd 2019 i roi’r cyfle i weithwyr Cadwaladers gymryd rhan. Mae ein tîm anhygoel a wnaeth rhedeg 13.1 milltir yn y digwyddiad gwych nawr wedi cymryd egwyl haeddiannol. Yn ogystal â herio’r hunain i gwblhau’r hanner marathon, maen nhw hefyd wedi £1000 ar gyfer British Heart Foundation!

Mental Health Investment

Mental Health is a growing concern worldwide and Dan approached the company interested in bringing this support to Cadwaladers, in order to benefit our staff and customers.